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Factors Affecting the SEO ranking

It might be challenging to stay up to date with the most recent changes as SEO standards change frequently. However, you must be informed if you want your Google rankings to rise from the bottom of the list to the top.

Over time, well-optimized websites see an increase in traffic, which results in more leads and revenue. Without SEO, users won't be able to reach your website, making all of your efforts pointless.

The process of aligning a website with Google's ranking factors is known as SEO. What exactly are these ranking factors, and how can your website be made more effective for them? Find out by reading on.

The top 10 Google Ranking factors include:

  1. Quality content
  2. Keyword placement
  3. Image optimization
  4. Page Experience
  5. Page speed
  6. Mobile-friendliness
  7. Core Web Vitals
  8. Site structure
  9. Site security
  10. Backlinks

Quality content

No one has ever declared, "I don't need great content on my website to rank."

The calibre of the material on your website and blog is still very important. Still, contentment is king.

Your material must offer insightful information. Thanks to Google's Panda and Fred algorithm upgrades, creating pages with little to no real value can come back to bite you.

Making pages with high-quality content involves lowering bounce rates, lengthening user engagement, and producing information that is both informative and entertaining.

For today's SEO, high-quality content pages need to be more than just well-written and lengthy. To benefit from a greater presence in SERPs, they must additionally consider the following factors.

Keyword Placement

It's critical to position your target keywords in strategic locations across your website once you've decided the ones you want to rank for. This contains:

Title tag, H1 Title, H2 headlines, URL and Meta Description.

Image Optimization

This is significant not only because of Google Image Search, but also due to the increasing visual nature of ordinary search results, particularly on mobile. Here's how to make your photos SEO-friendly

  • Assign Alt Text: This is the only method for Google to "see" an image. Include the term in a succinct yet detailed sentence.
  • Resize and compress: If you can, reduce the size of your picture files to 70–100KB or less by using an image compressor.
  • Keywords: Not just in the file name, but also in the alt text. In the file name, replace any spaces with dashes; otherwise, your CMS will replace them with "%20," which results in an unreliable-looking picture link.

Page Experience

As the latest changes to Page Experience have demonstrated, user experience (UX) has an effect on SEO.

If UX isn't considered, your website will go in the proverbial "garbage."

In fact, if a website's content and design are ugly, 38% of visitors will cease interacting with it. Getting this properly can provide significant advantages.

Page Speed

For many years, one of the most important SEO ranking elements has been page speed. Fast-loading web pages will help Google achieve its goal of enhancing people' browsing experiences.

In July 2018, Google revealed an algorithm upgrade to its search engine that prioritised mobile page performance. Your website can be penalised if it doesn't load quickly on mobile devices.

To examine how your website performs, use Google's mobile testing tool.

Mobile Friendliness

Google promised to use mobile-first indexing on all new sites back in 2019. This indicates that rather than using the desktop version of a site, it bases its ranking evaluation on the mobile version. Then, in 2020, it informed us of plans to make this the case for all websites, and as of 2021, mobile-first indexing is now required for all websites.

In other words, if your site isn't mobile-optimized, even if the desktop version is excellent, your search engine rating might suffer significantly. Most content management systems let you preview and modify for smaller displays and mobile devices. Google's Mobile-Friendly Test is another option.

Core Web Vital

More than a tie-breaker, Core Web Vitals is used. Numerous additional SEO-related parameters are influenced by this measure.

Your usability, for instance, is impacted by Core Web Vitals. Your UX, page speed, and content all have an impact on the conversion rate when a searcher visits a page and converts.

In essence, Core Web Vitals was developed to assist you in providing a better user experience.

Site Structure

User experience is closely tied to site architecture, which also has a big effect on SEO.

Site architecture may assist search engine crawlers in finding more pages on a website in addition to assisting people in finding what they are searching for through improved website navigation.

Simply said, users should have no trouble navigating your websites.

The layout of all pages and navigation should be as straightforward as feasible.

Finding any page on a website should only need three to four clicks from the user. While this isn't always achievable on big sites, there are techniques to make sure visitors can search for and locate content within.

Site Security

Ever wonder what the s in https (instead of just plain old http) stands for? It stands for security, I suppose. And obtaining an SSL (secure sockets layer) certificate is how you convert your website from a http site to a https one. There are several ways to obtain an SSL, and the price is based on the amount of protection you want as well as your hosting configuration.


Finally, but certainly not least, there are backlinks. A connection to your page that originates from another website is known as a backlink. A page with a large number of links leading back to it tells Google that the page in question offers excellent value and originates from a reliable source. However, a single link from a high-quality domain is far preferable to several connections from numerous low-authority domains.